Pentaho Data Integration Repositories & Commands to run transformations and Jobs :
We can save kettle jobs and transformations in three type of repositories.
1. File Repository
2. Database Repository
3. Enterprise Repository (We can create this repository in Pentaho Enterprise Edition )
I have mentioned the commands to run the transformations and jobs which are saved in all three types of repositories for windows as well as Linux.
To run the jobs, we can use kitchen.bat or command.
To run the transformations, we can use pan.bat or command
Do the following steps to run the commands.
1. Open the command prompt
2. Go to the tool home directory.
$> cd <data-integration-home>
for me, it is a c:\pentaho\design-tools\data-integration.
ex : cd c:\pentaho\design-tools\data-integration
3. Now run the command
Windows :
File Repository:
pan.bat /file:"C:\Users\Suribabu\Desktop\Pentaho\repository\Trans\Example.ktr" /level:Basic
kitchen.bat /file:"C:\Users\Suribabu\Desktop\Pentaho\repository\Jobs\Example.kjb" /level:Basic
Database Repository :
pan.bat /rep:"DB_Rep" /trans:"Example" /dir:/Trans/ /user:admin /pass:admin /level:Basic
kitchen.bat /rep:"DB_Rep" /job:"Example" /dir:/Jobs/ /user:admin /pass:admin /level:Basic
Enterprise Repository:
pan.bat /rep:"DB_Rep" /trans:"Example" /dir:/public/Trans/ /user:joe /pass:password /level:Basic
kitchen.bat /rep:"DB_Rep" /job:"Example" /dir:/public/Jobs/ /user:joe /pass:password /level:Basic
Linux :
File Repository: -file="/home/suri/repository/Trans/Example.ktr" -level=Minimal -file="/home/suri/repository/Jobs/Example.ktr" -level=Minimal
Database Repository :
pan.bat -rep:"DB_Rep" -trans:"Example" -dir:/Trans/ -user:joe -pass:password -level:Basic
kitchen.bat -rep:"DB_Rep" -job:"Example" -dir:/Jobs/ -user:joe -pass:password -level:Basic
Enterprise Repository:
pan.bat -rep:"DB_Rep" -trans:"Example" -dir:/public/Trans/ -user:joe -pass:password -level:Basic
kitchen.bat -rep:"DB_Rep" -job:"Example" -dir:/public/Jobs/ -user:joe -pass:password -level:Basic
You can schedule the above commands or You can write wrapper script on top of the commands as follows and schedule it:
example.bat or
# cd <d ata-integration-home>
cd c:\pentaho\design-tools\data-integration
pan.bat /file:"C:\Users\Suribabu\Desktop\Pentaho\repository\Trans\Example.ktr" /level:Basic
Now You can run and schedule example.bat or file for your ETL Trans.
We can save kettle jobs and transformations in three type of repositories.
1. File Repository
2. Database Repository
3. Enterprise Repository (We can create this repository in Pentaho Enterprise Edition )
I have mentioned the commands to run the transformations and jobs which are saved in all three types of repositories for windows as well as Linux.
To run the jobs, we can use kitchen.bat or command.
To run the transformations, we can use pan.bat or command
Do the following steps to run the commands.
1. Open the command prompt
2. Go to the tool home directory.
$> cd <data-integration-home>
Windows :